Chapter 28(END)

Same night-

Eunhee's house-

Author pov:

Eunhee screams & break the jug .


Eunhee scream & throw all glasses on the table .

Eunhee : I need to do something or i will lose him...no no...but the drug i gave her will make her pregnant if they doesn't use protection....*gasp*...no...NO!!!!

Eunhee cried & knell down .

Eunhee lost her mind today .

Next Day- Hotel room

Jungkook caresses Y/n's bare back as she is sleeping on him, her head is on his chest.

Jungkook smile & peck her head .

suddenly his phone vibrate & he pick it while hugging her .


Kai : Good Morning boss .....we got to know who did that .

Jk : Who ? cold voice

Kai: Eunhee ...she is the one who did this ./..her plan was to drug Mrs.Jeon & make her sleep with another man so that u can leave her after accessing cheating.

Jk : That b!tch!!!!*whisper yell*

Kai : Boss order us we will kidnap her .

Jungkook suddenly smirk .

Jk : No ...just gather her all details....soon we will free her from this earth but before that i need to do something.*smirk*

Kai : Ok boss.

Jungkook cut the call & smirk evilly .

Jk : I will make you regret Eunhee.

After 1 hour Y/n whole up & cry. Her abdomen is paining after their rough s*x last night . Jungkook calms her down & help her with bathing & clothes.

For the whole day Jungkook takes care of her like a baby, he is scared that she will cry with pain if she walk.

After 3 weeks -

Jungkook kiss Y/n's hand as he is holding her hand while caressing her head . She is sleeping .

Today he is very happy bcz she is pregnant with his child.

For few days he notice her behavior, her mood swings, feel vomit with smell, her breast feel little pain & ofc she didn't get her period. So he call the doctor to check on her & the doctor told him that she is 2 weeks pregnant.

Jungkook told Yn that she will have a cute baby but Y/n being naive said that her baby will play with her & will be cute like her .

Thanks to Jungkook he told her that she need to be careful bcz there is a small prince or princess in her tummy. With fairytales Jk always make her understand the situation & Y/n understands it very well .

Jk : Finally we will be parents....from now i will be more careful with you .

Jungkook also calls his hyungs about it & they scream with happiness.

Jk : Now i need to get rid of her .*smirk*

_____WARNING : BRUTAL TORTURE !!!_______

Jk's man opens the door & Jungkook goes inside & smirks while looking at a figure sleeping on the chair tied with chains.

Jk signals his man & guard to throw a bucket of water on her .

Eunhee gasp & open her eyes .

Jk : Wakey Wakey ....b!tch. smirk

Eunhee feel a shiver on her body as she heard his cold voice . Her eyes are teary bcz she know he will again torture her .

It's been 1 week since she is here. Jungkook kidnaps her from her apartment at midnight.

Jungkook signals his men to go out. They all bow to him before leaving.

Jungkook sits on the chair in front of her & smirks at her .

Her cheeks are read as yesterday he slaps her very harshly .

Jk: Well i did a good makeup on you ...i see .*smirk*

Eunhee gulped in fear .

Eunhee : Plz...plz sir leave me ...i swear i will never show you my face ...*cry*

Jk : Oh...now you want to leave huh....but you were the one who wanted to live with me at my mansion........so what happened huh?

Eunhee : Im sorry ...*cry*

Jk : Well im here to thanks you...you know why ?

Jk chuckled darkly .

Jk: Bcz of your drug ...that night we had best s*x ever....& now my little y/n is pregnant....so ofc u deserve a thank you from me.*smirk*

Eunhee : WHAT!!!

Jk : es...& you know that night my y/n was moaning loudly...my name....when i filled her with my seeds .....& now she is pregnant with our child....so thank you b!tch...

Eunhee's desire for Jk is already gone after he kidnaps her .He made her starve only water was available for her , he whip her 2 days ago.

Eunhee : If is then....plz leave me.....*gulp*

Jk : Ofc i will leave you today .

With that Jk grab her hair harshly .

Jk : After killing you ofc you will be free . dark laugh

Eunhee : Plz...leave me .*sob*

Jk : I didnt even spare my own mother...then how can you think that i will leave you ....tell me ?

Eunhee gasp with shockness.

Jk : Shocked huh ...well i think you remember that 2 weeks ago police found 2 bodies in a jungle ...it was my mother & my culprit's dead bodies.*smirk*

Eunhee cant say anything now,...her whole body is frozen.

Jk : I know killing you will not a crime...i know about your past deeds.....you had affairs with lot of married men, you ruin their happy family just for money....also you push a pregnant lady from stairs out of jealousy bcz she was pregnant with your rich boss .....& also you had one night stands with a lot of men & you even blackmailed them for money , they were fool to give you money to save their marriage......well i don't think killing you will ever effect anyone...even your parents also kick you out of their life when they got to know about your deeds....A GREEDY B!TCH LIKE YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE .*slapher*

Eunhee cry more as he slap her .

Jk : You know i already punished those men who ruined their wives' life....just for lust .

Jk : Now its your turn .

With that Jugkook inject her a drug with injection, she feels numb, and her body can't move but she can feel pain .

He opens the chains & drags her out of there while holding her hair.

Eunhee screamed as she felt pain on her scalp.

Jungkook throws her into a room where wild dogs are barking at her, she is feeling a shiver. He smirk & goes out of there .

He close the gate & look inside the room .

Jk : They will enjoy their dinner for sure .*smirk *

Eunhee : NO NO....PLZ!!!

Jk scoff & pushes the button of a remote. All cages open & all dogs jump on her , they tore her flesh brutally. Her scream can hear by all Jk's men.

Jk just enjoy the show.

Jk : Kai after this release those wild dogs at their place .

Kai : Ok boss . bow

With that Jungkook left .

Kai: Damn ...boss is so scary. gulp

He wipes the sweat on his forehead.

After 3 months-

Jk : Baby ...now drink it .

Jungkook makes y/n drink the whole glass of milkshake. She is sitting on his lap .

Its evening time so Jungkook is free for her .

Y/n : Bunny ....i want chocolate pastry ...plz...*puppy eyes*

Jk : sigh You know my weakness...baby....huh....ok but after pastry you will eat veggies ok ?

Y/n : OK !!!

Jungkook chuckled & kiss her chubby cheek. Well Y/n gained weight but not that much . Her boobs are kinda big and he can feel his hands full , her butt cheeks are cubby too like her cheeks .

Jk don't care about her weight bcz he is the one who is making her eat more, he wants her healthy.

-----------After 2 months----------

He hugs her & caresses her bare 5-month pregnant belly under the duvet.

Jk : Hey my babies...i hope you both are doing well...sorry if your appa disturbs you ....our Appa, Eomma are waiting for you my little angels ....we love you . whisper

Yes, Y/n is having twins. A few days ago the doctor told them after check-up.

Jk : Good night my 3 babies .*smile*

He falls asleep after pecking her lips .

Delivery Day-

jk : Are you feeling good baby ?

Y/n : yes/...bunny....im not feeling pain.....doctor Aunty gave me painkillers.

jk : sigh If you ever feel pain...tell me ok ?

yn : hmm..*sleepy*

Jk caress her cheek & smile. He looks near the bed little cribs are there, 2 little boys sleeping.

She is sleepy after having a 2 hours operation.

Jk don't want her to feel labor pain so he told doctors to do operations. Normal delivery is harmful to her so thats why .

He goes towards his little boys, both of are sleeping, He holds their little hands & smile.

Jk : welcome my boys. smile

Jin : See i told you there are here !!

Jk : Shhh...Hyung Yniee is sleeping !!!

All his Hyungs & their wives shut their mouth & talk while whispering .

Bora : Awww...babies are so cute .

Soya : My Daughter got 2 little brothers ...awww...

Harin : Aww....

Hobi : They are so cute & chubby...aww can i hold them Kook ?

Jk : Of course but make sure not to break their sleep .

Tae : After Hyung ...i will hold the m.

Jimin : no...me..i will hold them .

Tae : No ..i will you shorty .

Jimin : You alien !!!

Yoongi : Shut up you both...or i will burn your asses for sure .

Jimin & Tae pout .

Jiwoo : Both look looks different....Look 1st baby looklike Jungkook & 2nd baby looklike both mixed of Y/n & Jungkook.

Jk : Well i also notice that .

Harin sit near Yn & kiss her head .

Harin: I got her fav soup .

Jiwoo : Yap we made it for her....btw Jungkook you need to eat i know you are hungry...so come here .

Jk : But Noona yn ...i want to eat with her .

Jiwoo : No....she will wake up late...bcz of the medicine effect.....so eat now...after she wakeup...u will feed her ok ..

Jk : pout Ok .

Namjoon : Jungkook did you think about babies' names yet ?

Jk : yeah...our 1st son is Jeon Junghyun & 2nd son is Jeon Junghoon . smile

All of them smile.

Jin : Our Hoonie ...

Jk : How can i forget him...hyung....he was one who gave me my happiness....he is still my son....*teary*

All of them become little emotional but later all of them are busy with babies , laughing around. .


Junghoon : Yeah u old man ...making me emotional !!!!

Fairy 1 : Aish don't cry Junghoon .

Junghoon : But look ...they are so cute.....my little brothers...awwww...

Fairy 1 : Yeah...they are cute ....

Junghoon smile while looking at the magical mirror where he is watching his family.

Fairy 1 : Junghoon .....you know now its your time to go...your reincarnation is already started.....Now you need to leave .*smile*

Junghoon : Yeah i know...i hope i will get a good family now .

Fairy : Dont worry u will .....you will have a new life , new face ,new body.*smile*

Junghoon : I will miss you ....Younha.

Fairy 1 : Me too...bye . sad smile

Junghoon : Bye .

With that Junghoon vanish into the air .

Fairy : I hope you will get a good life Hoonie .

Heaven guard : Yeah dont cry...that brat will here again after completing his life...dont worry ....& also you will born .

Fairy : Huh ?

Guard : Our creature permits you to be born as human ....on earth just for Junghoon bcz you both are soulmates. After Junghoon, you will born too .

Fairy smile with tears .

-after 1 week-

Y/n is feeding her 1st son after feeding 2nd one . Well their 2nd son is loud while 1st one is calm .

Jk : Baby look Hoonie is smiling ..

Yn : Aww....he is so cute....*admire*

Jungkook : Ofc they are bcz they are our sons .

Y/n : Bunny...now we are King & Queen & here our 2 princes .*smile*

Jk : Yes my love....

He kisses her lips gently.

After breaking their kiss, he peck her cheek .

Jk : You know baby....im a sinner....& loving you was a sin for me...but the sinner cant stay away from his SINFUL LOVE .

Y/n smile without knowing whats he is saying .

Jk : *in mind* It's my Sin & Sinful love story .........

 He was a sinner, his life was dark without any hope ut she came in his dark life as a hope, she become his desire , his love ...The sinner falls for her very hard & created his own sinful love story.......


So here this book is over...

I hope you like this ending .....

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